[Info Acara] Essentials in MSK Ultrasound: Upper Extremity(Jakarta Musculoskeletal Focused Course) Hands-on…
[Info Acara] MCoR Lecture: Body & Musculoskeletal Imaging Get ready to be amazed by the future of radiology!…
[Info Acara] 6th Solo Radiology Update 2024 INSTALASI RADIOLOGI RS DR MOEWARDI SURAKARTAdengan bangga…
[Promosi Doktor] Dr. dr. Reyhan Eddy Yunus, SpRad., Subsp.NKL(K), M.Sc. Selamat & Sukses Promosi Doktor…
[Info Acara] MR Safety (Asiasafe Webinar) - MR Safety Board - Roles & Responsibilities- MR Safet Board…
[Info Acara] Masterclass in Ultrasound (MCOR 2024) MCOR 2024: 1 Day Ticket to access the Masterclass…
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